Friday, August 28, 2009

best films: SCHINDLER'S LIST (1993)

Previously ranked and blogged at #95
What would a top 100 list be without Schindler's List?  With some seriously underrated performances from Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes (their personal best, in my opinion) and exquisite direction from the typically skillful Steven Spielberg, the only thing that could top its otherwise near-perfect production might be the tear-inducing score from John Williams.  (You will soon find out that I can't help but adore John Williams, no matter how much quoting he does in his scores.)  And even though I'm a believer in Tommy Lee Jones, and I obviously appreciate the work of Mr. Hanks, I believe it's safe to say Neeson and Fiennes should've nabbed the Oscars in 1993.  I don't really see how the film would've worked nearly as well without them.  So though I favor other Spielberg efforts more than this (you'll just have to wait and see...), there's no denying it's one of the highest quality movies of the '90s.

Standout Performance:  Though Neeson is mesmerizing as Oskar Schindler, Fiennes' take on Amon Goeth is haunting and still packs the same punch it did fifteen years ago.  The performance of his career.

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